Balloon Hero

Unforgettable Balloon Birthday party

35% discount for parties taking place Monday to Friday

The hour before the party starts

Guests arrive slowly and we get ready

Birthday Time

me me me me...

a personal touch

a balloon for every kid

Birthday parties for kids of all ages are one of my favourite and expertise. I love entertaining children at birthday parties and give them an experience they never had before. I have a total different approach to what you normally get from a classic Children’s entertainer at an average birthday party.

Most birthday parties are jam-packed with so many elements from disco, games, music, the classic parachute, prizes, soap bubbles, magic and the list goes on…🤯

I think that less is more, especially when we are talking about your child.

Kids are not ignorant, and  I believe that I can offer them high quality hilarious content without treating them as small kids. I speak to kids at eye level with respect and appreciation.😊🙏

I take them “hand in hand” in to the fascinating balloon world with a series of comic sketches mixing clowning, magic and lots of super funny balloon modelling gags and tricks.

My birthday party activity is witty, funny, fascinating, surprising, engaging that even the adults can’t ignore the party and taking part in it, many time participating 😉 as if they are the kids in the party, this is something I am proud of 🤗

There are few very important things I need to do to make sure we all going to have the perfect birthday party with 100% success rates and I learnt that throughout the 25 years of performing on stage and in birthday parties for all ages. You will see this happening for the very first moment I enter your home or venue.🤗

First, I arrive one hour before the party. Yes, an hour.⏰

I call it the golden hour as this is the time where I sit down 🧘🏽‍♂️ with your little one and together we are getting ready for the party and the guest’s arrival. We prepare the stage, we inflate together balloon animals and slowly we plan the perfect birthed party ever! This hour is priceless. I can not stress how important it is for both of us and this is THE magical hour that will take the birthday party to the next level.🚀

The guests arrives and there is a lovely background music and the kids are having a snack.🍬

At reception, I am learning ALL the kid’s names by heart! yes, all, my personal record is 47 names, after a few minutes, we start.✅

We start with my Balloon Show, where your little one is involved depending on his karma that day, and I am not pushing her/him to do anything that is not in the flow of the party.

After that, I run a VERY special birthday ceremony🎂 where we all sit down on the floor in a closed circle, we shall wait till you bring the cake and then!
I pull out a potato and some thin (not hazardous) sparklers and… well, I will not do a spoiler for you,  you shall wait and see.
All the guests will be curious to see what is coming up next!  This moment will be your special time for your little one.

I finish up the birthday ceremony with a twist, you take back the cake and the show goes on.
Last 15 minutes the kids munch and I give each one  balloon animal of their choice to take with them home, so you do not need to buy cheap Chinese prizes that they will throw anyway…😜
Last 5 minutes the kids will have the birthday cake and we are done!
Another perfect birthday party.
Your little one is up and high with excitement and you feel good on your wholesome choice 😇 for a top-quality birthday party activity. 

If you scrolled down till here, then thank you for the time. if you have more questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. If you want to place your book or toque you happy, please hit the button below

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