Balloon Hero

Who am i?

I am Eldi

If you think you recognise me,  then you are probably wrong! So why I look so familiar?

Well.. people say it is the energy and the smile that make them feel they met me before, or maybe you met me in another life? anyway…let me focus here…

I am a Balloon Comedian and twisters/modeller that makes people smile for more than 27 years in multiple languages worldwide. 

Making people smile with my balloon comedy shows wherever I go is my destiny. 

Married to Chookey and a father of 3 (Nittai 12, Shahar 19, and Gali 10) based in Hampstead Garden Suburb, North West London but entertaining everywhere, in and outside the country.🇬🇧

My Story

Well, I started as a comic magician and making balloon modelling was my sidekick, then opened a balloon shop in Tel Aviv, from there I started to sell balloon animals for entertainers and this open for me a magical door into the world or balloon modelling.

I started to build my first balloon comedy show that evolves with in the last two decades to become what it is today.

A masterpiece of top quality balloon comedy show that suite all ages (Yep, parents as well) that I perform in 5 languages worldwide.

The years of experience working with almost any type of audience from toddlers to teenagers from special needs to kids at social risk gave me the ability to entertain everyone and make sure that every place I go to, my balloon comedy show works like magic.


My Core Values and holistic point of view with children entertainment 

I have seen the children’s entertainment market evolve around me and I think that now days, there is too much “noise” around it and less attention to the audience or the birthday child. Entertainers are busy in jam packing loads of elements in to every show they do ( Disco, games, magic, balloons, dance, puppets, light, etc.) and less attention to the quality of the entertainment content they bring in.

Parents are more focused on the cake, decor, gifts, then the actual experience and this is where I come in. I bring the next generation of entertainment to you. 

Where I am speaking to the kids at eye level, I provide a high-quality balloon comedy show where even the adults are laughing out load. Kids now days are not stupid. On the contrary they are amazing, clever and intelligent kids. 

I make them laugh with some witty slapstick and physical comedy sketches, I provide some educational content as I take everyone on a journey in to the magical balloon world.

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